A sales department runs CRM Deals and actively uses Products. A hierarchy of responsibilities is strict and limits the visibility and operability of different entities/business functions for different sales teams.
One of the most important business functions to control is Discounts for clients. Sales Managers must follow internal procedures to request certain amounts of discounts for clients they are responsible for.
Default Bitris24 functionality doesn't provide any options to control discount access permissions which means any system user with CRM entity Edit rights can updates Product Discounts within this entity.
Implementation result:
The Webbee Limited team designed and implemented a unique Product cart add-on which allows assigning access permissions to product discounts in CRM entities (Leads, Quotes, DEals, Invoices).
The final product has the following features (X<Y<Z):
1. It allows all system users with Edit access to CRM entities to apply only up to X% discount to Products within those entities.
2. It allows assigning a system user/ a group of users who are allowed to apply up to Y% discount to Products within those entities.
3. It allows assigning a system user/ a group of users who are allowed to apply up to Z% discount to Products within those entities.
4. If users in c.1,2 and 3 input a discount more than access permissions allow them, the system will decline discount changes and show a warning.
5. An access permissions control panel is only accessible by Bitrix24 administrators.
For more features and additional information, please, don't hesitate to contact us: sales@webbee.co.nz
1. Warning (A system user who is only allowed to apply product discounts up to 10% attempts to insert 30%):

2. Discount access permissions Control Panel: