Nowadays E-Mail channels are truly one of the main supplying sources of new Leads and Deals for almost any business disregarding their field of operations. With Bitrix24 it is so easy to connect your inbox and configure it in CRM in the way you want you leads to pop up at right time in the right place. Default options allow you to set up one of the most popular ways to establish your Leads routine: always route messages to existent Leads if any of them related to this message otherwise create a brand new Lead. very often this design goes with an additional option - exclusion e-mail addresses. These are addresses you may want to create a New Lead just every time you receive a message. So in other words, all you need is to specify such an address in settings of your Bitrix inbox so the system will treat it different from any other incoming correspondence.
Business problem:
However, sometimes you may want to go even further than one or two exclusive email addresses. That is not rare that business operate with dozens and sometimes hundreds of exclusions. For example, contractors supply them with new Leads through emails channels, or automated systems push client requests one by one as email notifications. The more email addresses, the bigger pressure for management to keep them accounted in a list of exclusions.
To help reducing this workload, we suggest to use email exclusion rules not per address but an email domain name so instead of listing dozens of addresses you may specify just a single record of a domain pool. This feature is not provided by default options of Bitrix24.
Implementation result:
The Webbee Limited team designed and implemented a unique customization module which allows specifying domain names in inbox settings for the parameter "Create new lead for each incoming message from addresses".
The module can only be applied to self-hosted editions of Bitrix24.

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